
This digital edition contains five short stories by Thomas Raddall from unpublished and undated typescripts held in the Dalhousie University Archives Thomas Head Raddall fonds, MS-2-202, Box 29, Folder 5. The pages reproduced here include Raddall’s initial edits to the type written text and are transcribed to the best of our ability according to the editorial notes and hints left by Thomas Raddall. Consult the Dalhousie University Archives finding aid for direct links to page images for each story. The images may serve as a helpful point of comparison with the transcriptions for those interested in a more detailed study of the text. We welcome any feedback that readers may have on the transcriptions presented here. We believe these works were created in the 1940s. Stories include: Main Four, Figure Head, 1909 (First Version), 909 (Second Version), In Mighty Waters, and Nine Mile House.


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