Book Title: Conceptualizing Stanfield

Book Description: The Right Honourable Robert L. Stanfield served the Canadian public from 1948 until 1979, first as the Premier of Nova Scotia and later transitioning into federal politics as the Leader of the Official Opposition. Though never holding office as Prime Minister, Stanfield is often described as the “best prime minister we never had”. He was a politician that exuded intelligence and integrity, caring more about Canadian unity than aggravative manoeuvring. Although it has been forty years since Stanfield left federal politics, his legacy of civility, cooperation and humanity continue to permeate provincial and national politics today.
Book Information
Book Description
The Right Honourable Robert L. Stanfield served the Canadian public from 1948 until 1979, first as the Premier of Nova Scotia and later transitioning into federal politics as the Leader of the Official Opposition. Though never holding office as Prime Minister, Stanfield is often described as the “best prime minister we never had”. He was a politician that exuded intelligence and integrity, caring more about Canadian unity than aggravative manoeuvring. Although it has been forty years since Stanfield left federal politics, his legacy of civility, cooperation and humanity continue to permeate provincial and national politics today.
Conceptualizing Stanfield Copyright © 2019 by Julia Rodgers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Political leaders and leadership